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Atmosphere, the and envelope that extends from the, land, and ice-covered surface of a outward into. The density of the atmosphere decreases outward, because the gravitational attraction of the planet, which pulls the gases and aerosols (microscopic suspended particles of dust, soot, smoke, or chemicals) inward, is greatest close to the surface. Atmospheres of some planetary bodies, such as, are almost nonexistent, as the atmosphere has escaped the relatively gravitational attraction of the planet and has been released into space. Other planets, such as, and the giant outer planets of the, have retained an atmosphere. In addition, Earth’s atmosphere has been able to contain in each of its three phases (solid, and gas), which has been essential for the development of on the planet. Feathery cirrus clouds over Pinawa Dam Provincial Park The atmospheres of planets in the solar system are composed of various gases, particulates, and liquids.

They are also dynamic places that redistribute heat and other forms of energy. On Earth, the atmosphere provides critical ingredients for living things. Here, feathery cirrus clouds drift across the deep blue sky over Pinawa Dam Provincial Park, near Pinawa, Manitoba, Canada. © Kushnirov Avraham/Dreamstime.comThe evolution of atmosphere is not completely understood. It is thought that the current atmosphere resulted from a gradual release of gases both from the planet’s interior and from the metabolic activities of life-forms—as opposed to the primordial atmosphere, which developed by outgassing (venting) during the original formation of the planet. Current gaseous emissions include water vapour (H 2O), (CO 2), (SO 2), (H 2S), (CO), (Cl), (F), and diatomic (N 2; consisting of two atoms in a single molecule), as well as traces of other substances. Approximately 85 percent of volcanic emissions are in the form of water vapour.

In contrast, carbon dioxide is about 10 percent of the effluent.During the early evolution of the atmosphere on Earth, water must have been able to exist as a liquid, since the oceans have been present for at least three billion years. Given that solar output four billion years ago was only about 60 percent of what it is today, levels of carbon dioxide and perhaps (NH 3) must have been present in order to retard the loss of into space.

The initial life-forms that evolved in this must have been anaerobic (i.e., surviving in the absence of oxygen). In addition, they must have been able to resist the biologically destructive in, which was not absorbed by a layer of as it is now. Once organisms developed the capability for, oxygen was produced in large quantities. The buildup of oxygen in the atmosphere also permitted the development of the as O 2 molecules were dissociated into monatomic oxygen (O; consisting of single oxygen atoms) and recombined with other O 2 molecules to form triatomic ozone molecules (O 3). The capability for photosynthesis arose in primitive forms of plants between two and three billion years ago.

Previous to the evolution of photosynthetic organisms, oxygen was produced in limited quantities as a by-product of the decomposition of water vapour by ultraviolet radiation. This article provides an overview of the physical forces that drive Earth’s atmospheric processes, the structure of the Earth’s atmosphere, and the instrumentation used to measure the Earth’s atmosphere. For a full description of the processes that created the current atmosphere on Earth, see. For information on the long-term conditions of the atmosphere as they are experienced at the surface of Earth, see. For a description of the highest regions of the atmosphere, where conditions are set largely by the presence of charged particles, see. Surface budgetsEarth’s atmosphere is bounded at the bottom by water and land—that is, by the surface of Earth. Heating of this surface is accomplished by three physical processes—, and —and the at the interface of the atmosphere and surface is a result of this heating.