Guardians Of Middle Earth Pentakill

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Guardians Of Middle Earth Pentakill 4,6/5 4760 reviews

Contents GameplayGuardians of Middle-earth will offer ten-player fights in an arena, with 5-on-5 multiplayer action. Players can fight as over 20 iconic guardians from Middle-earth including and which each have unique abilities to use in combat. The main objective of the battles is to destroy the enemy's base.

Expansion packs were launched periodically to coincide with the release of, that included characters from the film such as and.Playable Characters Warriors.Tacticians.Defenders.Enchanters. the White. the Grey. the Brown.Strikers.Videos.

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2020-1-16  Guardians of Middle-earth is a MOBA, or Multiplayer Online Battle Arena, fantasy video game under development by Monolith Productions and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. The game is set in Middle-earth, and will feature several tie-ins to the original film trilogy.

Champions in this line: (Odyssey) Jinx, Kayn, Malphite, Sona, Yasuo, Ziggs, (Galaxy Slayer) Zed.: Yasuo has been successfully evading capture for some time, which his bio calls impressive for a former rich playboy whose only real skills had been swordsmanship and getting drunk.: While she's still got her tendencies, Odyssey Jinx is framed less of a villainous and more of a wacky, with a fondness for blowing stuff up. It helps that this is a world with; yes, our heroes are flawed, but they're up against someone who wants to destroy the universe, so.: Kayn is on a mad quest to gather all ora in the universe to become its conqueror and has no qualms with murder, and yet he does it all with such charismatic nonchalance.: While Rhaast will mostly, Kayn conversely has a few lines where he sounds genuinely grateful for Rhaast's 'sacrifice' if he wins, and also surprisingly lonely now that he's dead. (killing an enemy champion) 'Did you see that, Rhaast! (beat) '.Rhaast?' (during his joke animation) 'Hey Rhaast, remember the time. Right, right!

'.: Despite knowing Kayn is after her and her crew to kill them, Jinx is really excited by the fact it's, and rewinds a portion of his threatening video message to admire him.: You wouldn't trust any of the Morning Star crew to watch your car, let alone save the universe, but they're the ones who got the nod of Fate, and apparently they have the potential to be heroes.: Ora, a golden organic essence produced from 'megafauna' in the cold vacuum of space, which can be mined in crystal form and also exists in an unrefined liquid form. It can be used as fuel, implanted to directly augment sentient beings, and the Templars, Sona included, can directly communicate with it and command it to fight for them.:, consisting of Yasuo as captain, Jinx as pilot, and Malphite as muscle. Zed: The Templars say our deeds are extreme.

They are right.: shows us the Morning Star, introduced with neon colors and scribbly doodles for extra coolness.: Jinx obviously has a thing for Kayn despite their inherently hostile relationship, and. Rhaast: Shut down! Ripped to pieces!Kayn: (annoyed) What is wrong with you?.: Just to really play into his and persona, Kayn puts on a lightly posh British accent for emphasis.: The main conflict between Kayn and Rhaast in this line. Kayn wants to conquer the universe so he can rule it; Rhaast wants to open the universe to his masters (specifically, the Dark Star) so they can destroy it. Though he's not above.:. As seen in The Lure, Kayn didn't gain his status as an Ordinal through, and began as a respectable, sane, and sympathetic leader. Depending on how you play him, he either goes or gets.

Zed was originally a very promising Templar trusted enough to protect a legendary megafauna that was worshipped as a god, a task he was genuinely committed to. Rhaast: (Kayn begins recalling) What? Getting tired already!?Kayn: I don't see you helping out.Rhaast: I'm the scythe, idiot! I only help out!.: While he's not the highest power of the Demaxian Empire, Kayn is one of its Ordinals, and is heavily obsessed with consuming the ora of the universe in the hopes he'll become an invincible, immortal being., though is leading him on to fulfill his own interests for.: Yasuo named his sword 'Song'.

Subverted, since it doesn't really mean anything; he just thought it sounded cool.: Largely Sona, whose dress is such a tight 'mermaid' style that she probably couldn't walk in it, though fortunately,.: As an effect of merging with the ora, Zed can manipulate it to serve as armor, 'writhing across his skin, transforming his limbs and.' In the process of demonstrating this, Galaxy Slayer Zed is his only skin that reveals his bare face.: While not without moments of comedic relief, Galaxy Slayer Zed is much more dark and serious in tone than anyone else in the line, introducing the idea that beyond the zany tone of the universe, there is something much deeper going on with ora and the Templars.: While canon Kayn has his own subdued braggadocio, far more willing to joke around, with. (encountering Kayn) 'In another life, Kayn, you might have been a half-decent pupil.' (attacking Kayn) 'Kayn!.' .:, who originally met as working partners during a deep space mining operation. Even after Jinx got them both fired after cracking their asteroid in half with explosives, the two have a strong friendship, with Malphite always trailing behind Jinx and not minding all of the crazy shenanigans they end up in.:. Rhaast is a servant to the, and is fully on board with them consuming the universe and all that inhabit it.

While,. Zed's quest is of destroying the weak in search of 'true harmony', which due to his and is shaping up to making him one.

Interestingly, he's unrelated to the Dark Star,.: The character profiles on their website have 'Blood Type' as categories, but like, it's. Presented without alteration:. Yasuo: Awesome. Jinx: Excitable.

Ziggs: Highly combustible. Sona: I don't know. Magic?.

Malphite: Unknown xenotype. Kayn: Mostly ora by now, probably.

Zed: Ora, but edgier.: The Morning Star crew, haphazardly formed by Yasuo — no real hero himself — and a couple of down-and-out lunatics that he recruited from a local bar. (They stole the ship, too). Along the way they added Sona (a silent runaway space wizard being pursued by the psychotic Ordinal Kayn).: Yasuo's in the recruitment video shows him reading until surprised by Jinx. He slices up the dummy she throws at him without dropping his book — which turns out to be a saucy.

Judging by when he sees the next page, he's really into it.: Like in his normal depiction, Zed is able to form, not from, but instead thanks to the ora. According to his extended bio,.:, an exotic species of reptile stolen from a max-security nature reserve, rides on Yasuo's shoulder. They probably won't name it, but.: Jinx in this line (at least in her default Odyssey skin; her various chromas give her more palette varieties) swaps out her and red eyes for bright orange hair and green eyes.: Set in a world where the Runeterra factions are multiplanet empires and everyone is after a mysterious, power-enhancing substance called ora, the line is evocative of a colorful, punky and retro-style variant. It resembles a cross between and, with a little mixed in (as a bonus, ' was written by famed writer ).: In Extraction, several items with life steal or spell vamp them — on top of a — are all renamed as this, with 'Space Vampiric Scepter', 'Space Hextech Gunblade', etc.: Kayn is decked out in this type of getup, complete with an that covers his normally-corrupted eye. He's currently pursuing the crew of the Morning Star.: Galaxy Slayer Zed wears some very spiky armor, with several animations (including his taunt, recall, and rarely-seen critical hit attack) causes him to grow more out of his body.: Rhaast. He's promised ultimate power to Kayn if he proves himself worthy, but his real intention is to take over his body. In the scenario where Rhaast wins, Kayn is shocked at his betrayal — for about half a second.

(petting his poison mushroom) '.: A younger Teemo makes in the other Omega Squad members' splash arts, some rather comical, like him falling out of a tree in ◊, or riding a dolphin in ◊. Unfortunately, starts to kick in when you wonder what happened that resulted in Teemo going to.: Yordles by nature require companionship, otherwise they go insane as the canon Veigar demonstrates. Omega Squad Teemo has tragically reached that point, taking, and.: For a skin line based on -style fiction, its champions sure are small and cute, aren't they? Hell, has arguably gotten more adorable due to his increased amount of expressions., however, subverts this, as his much darker design and voiceover start to make him look genuinely intimidating.:. Omega Squad Teemo is a battle-weary, partially-insane version of his usual chipper self. Judging by the grainy, rough photo-like quality of his comrade's splash arts (which he appears in ), as well as, there's a disquieting implication that. Twitch also counts as this, having been described as deeply and irreversibly affected by war.:!.: Tristana is, who makes it a policy not to retreat, unless it's to return fire while heading home.: Fizz is the Saboteur, who specializes in underwater combat and being really hard to hit.

It's unknown what action he saw before joining the squad, but he only refers to the sea as 'a bucket of chum.' .: Veigar is the Heavy Artillery, specializing in. Sometimes for. He thinks of it as 'a fun quirk.' .: Twitch in theory is 'The Medic,' but his has made it years since he was seen as a competent medical professional,.: Teemo is the Scout, seemingly,.

We are known as Pentakill, and we shall rock as no other.In a world where heavy metal reigns supreme, Pentakill is Valoran's most famous metal band, the undisputed masters of melting the face right off your head.The band was originally just a skin theme line with a few blurbs of supplementary lore, but in 2014, Riot with an extensive collaborative lineup, featuring big metal names including,. Their first album, Smite and Ignite, was released in 2014 that year, and a follow-up, Grasp of the Undying, was released in 2017. The release of this album saw Pentakill surprise everyone and hit #1 on Metal charts during the month of its release. Also, for 'Mortal Reminder'!

Champions in this line: Karthus, Kayle, Mordekaiser, Olaf, Sona, Yorick, (Blacksmith) Poppy (as a cameo)For tropes on the music itself, see this page.:. Pentakill, natch. This extends to almost all of their song and album titles, named after items or abilities in the game.

Their (fictional) tour dates for their 2017 Grasp of the Undying tour also listed some 'support' bands at their locations, including such gems as 'Noxtoraa', 'Quadrakill', 'Ice Witch', 'Frostguard', 'Dead Pool Down', and 'Tiny Feet of Doom'.: Karthus and Mordekaiser are part of the line, but at worst, their Pentakill versions.: Subverted — In fact, Mordekaiser's guitar is more weapon than instrument. All of Pentakill's songs must only be in one tuning.

Yorick's bass somewhat plays the trope straight, without knobs.: Mordekaiser in the 'Mortal Reminder' music video is HUGE, easily being fifty feet tall or taller. In fact, when he first appears him standing up in Poppy's workshop smashes the roof, and the roof itself is only up to his waist.: Mordekaiser and Yorick in the 'Mortal Reminder' music video.:. In the 'Mortal Reminder' music video. Rumble is about to have a flower to Tristana, who he's known to have a crush on.

When Pentakill Sona sensually emerges from a nearby haunted piano, he quickly switches, offering the flowers to her (before being blasted away by ). 'Cull' starts off sounding like it's going to be a. And then they get going.: 'Mortal Reminder'.: Olaf doesn't really play any drums in the 'Mortal Reminder' music video, so much as he just hits a bunch of stones.: Karthus. Mordekaiser even quotes the trope verbatim in responnse to his drunken.:.

Sona subverts the trope; normally, the token chick in a is that keeps the group together. Sona is easily one of the more violent members, she just Being asked in a Q&A why she, resulted in a., but translated into morse code. The full answer WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST FUCKING SAY ABOUT ME, YOU LITTLE TEENY BOPPER? ILL HAVE YOU KNOW I PLAY AT THE TOP TIERS IN SOLO QUEUE, AND IVE BEEN INVOLVED IN NUMEROUS SOLD OUT SHOWS FOR PENTAKILL, AND I HAVE OVER 300 CONFIRMED ASSISTS. I AM TRAINED IN ETWAHL WARFARE AND IM THE TOP SUPPORT IN THE ENTIRE LEAGUE OF LEGENDS. Karthus: I can't believe you $ guys are going make me quit drinking.

I mean, what would I do without booze, huh? You can't really expect me to do this sober!Mordekaiser: Karthus, you really have to see how you've contributed here. It isn't our fault you can't hold your liquor – you haven't got a stomach. Besides, you were going strong until you took those six hits off Sona's. I could understand if you were the support, but that's just irresponsible. Tell him, Sona.Sona:Karthus: Hey, you ^$.ing #$.@s!

I!$#^ing carry this%&^.ing band! Who the.&%$ing @!#$ do you &%#$s think you are making me get clean? @#%^ing%^&# this $%#@, I'm going to @%^$ing kill whoever you @#^$ing hire and then drink vast quantities of mead. @#%#!Olaf: Well, I don't think anybody's going to top that. Um our new record, Death Rides a Pale Boar is in stores now.

And don't steal it because, you know. We'll kill you.: All of the Pentakill skins use their instruments as weapons.: Following their, the band has just grown from a cosmetic in-game skin theme to a full-blown project.

Smite and Ignite in particular debuted in Billboard's top 40, and 'Mortal Reminder' took them straight to #1 on the iTunes metal charts.: Kayle kicks Teemo off of a giant stone pillar in the 'Mortal Reminder' music video, but it's hard to tell if he's just in the way, since none of the members ever notice him.: No pun intended for Mordekaiser, but he and Karthus both headbang in their dance emotes, and Kayle in her recall. Really, all of the skins invoke this in some way.: Largely subverted; Yorick gets EPIC and very audible bass lines in the songs; Lightbringer, arguably their most popular song, opens with Yorick's bass. He even plays the bass line of Lightbringer in his dance emote, being the only band member that can actually play music in game. He's also the second member to appear in the 'Mortal Reminder' music video, and plays a larger role than Sona, Olaf, and Kayle in it; he even gets a moment with Mordekaiser. It is worth noting that he's never spoken in any interviews, though.: With the introduction of into the band, the name 'Pentakill' seems like a slight misnomer. Perhaps 'Hexakill' doesn't feel as punchy?.: Somehow, is this in the interviews. Yes, even more than.: Mordekaiser is said to be very protective of Sona as the most delicate member of Pentakill (three of them aren't technically alive, the fourth is a ruthless barbarian warrior, and the fifth is an armored battle-angel).: Although none of his actual abilities reflect it, Mordekaiser is repeatedly mentioned in the backstory to be drawn to sources of plague and death.

In fact, in case you're wondering how he got into music in the first place. JP: Mordekaiser, you're an enigma both in and out of the arena. What draws you away from the Field of Justice to pursue this surprising side-project?M: My fans. I am drawn to their disease.JP: You mean their feverish love of this Techma-Tune music?M:.: Uhh. The 'Mortal Reminder' music video shows their music bringing havoc and rock to a small Yordle town, and all poor Teemo can do is watch.: Yorick is this in the band, despite Sona being the mute one.

Yorick himself has never given any interviews.: The song 'Lightbringer' rhymes 'hope' with itself in the second verse.: Yorick's summonable ghouls. In-game, they can be seen wearing spiked wristbands.: Members of the band asking Sona to say something and Sona (predictably) responding.: While the band does a lot of collateral damage to the little Yordle town in 'Mortal Reminder', they don't actually hurt anyone (Except maybe Teemo). Karthus in particular begins channeling a spell that looks like his ult is about to destroy everyone in town, and when it completes, the Yordles are just dressed in black and begin rocking to the music. This was also shown during their first album, as 'Lightbrighter' is a song where the protagonist is bringing hope and peace. In fact, most of their songs are on the more hopeful and uplifting end.: Karthus definitely has a habit of 'ing while drunk.: Pentakill Kayle. The original of Pentakill was released between 2010 to 2012, whereas Pentakill Kayle joined the band in 2017., although her splash art does feature all of the other members in the background.:. Smite and Ignite is a mostly / album.

'Hexcore' however, is an oddly track that wouldn't sound that out of place on a album. Champions in this line: Caitlyn, Draven, Dr. Mundo, Fiora, Gangplank, Graves, Lee Sin, Leona, Lulu, Miss Fortune, Rek'Sai, Renekton, Taric, Zac, Ziggs, Zoe.: Depicts the champions dressed for swimming, surfing, or just sunbathing.: Several champions aren't featured in the line but feature in the backgrounds of splash arts, occasionally for a or two.: Renekton, the anthropomorphic crocodile, is a no-nonsense lifeguard who fights using a rescue board. Not exactly the guy you'd wanna get CPR from.: A blue, shorts-wearing Zac was featured in Pool Party Renekton's splash art two years before it was officially released as his own Pool Party skin.: Surprisingly sparse. Champions in this line: (Prehistoric) Anivia, Cho'Gath, Renekton, (Beast Hunter) Draven, Sejuani, Tryndamere, (Tribal) Ryze.: The original inspiration. Cho'Gath is reminiscent of a.

Anivia (a mythical bird in the main universe), is depicted as a pterosaur, complete with a jungle-esque egg for her passive.: Anivia, which makes her resemble some sort of pterosaur.: The Beast Hunters. Prehistoric Cho'Gath's blurb points out that 'there are no sane hunters.' .: Prehistoric Renekton is described as a rare intelligent beast, capable of erudite speech and wielding weapons. Unfortunately, he's not very friendly, and still poses a danger to hunters.: Much like his canon persona, Draven is an incorrigible showboat, though this proves to be much more dangerous in this universe,.: Prehistoric Renekton seems to be a giant version of this, standing between a rampaging Cho'Gath and Anivia while protecting a group of tribesmen who stand in his shadow. He's noticeably different because, while Cho'Gath and Anivia are mostly animalistic with only a few decorations, Renekton is a dinosaur-humanoid warrior wielding a giant weapon and adorned in large armor.: Renekton appears as a giant half-breed, very similar in appearance to ancient crocodilians such as Sarcosuchus. He's also different from the others in that he's wearing armor and wielding a giant weapon, whereas Cho'Gath and Anivia are far more bestial.: In their shared splash, Cho'Gath, Anivia, and Renekton dwarf the tiny humans watching their fight.

In game, they're much smaller. Champions in the Program line: (Program) Camille, LeBlanc, Lissandra, Nami, Soraka, (iBlitzcrank) Blitzcrank.: ◊. Players who initially purchased the skins through crafting got loading screen cards with the symbol on top of their champion, some having slight variations:, while.: From what we can see of the world in, artwork, and the Substructure 43 map, the world is packed with a lot of neon advertisements.: Varies between the Program champions, who are all AI. Program Lissandra is definitely this, having gone beyond her programming to become a world-conqueror.

LeBlanc was advertised as just a diplomat-software avatar, but was secretly created to actually be a deceptive, infiltrating intelligence stealing information from various corporations. Camille murders any human who uses unauthorized technology, but that's just what she was programmed to do. Soraka, Nami, and iBlitzcrank were built as, but their codes have since been infiltrated by Program (i.e. Lissandra), making their ultimate status uncertain.

Pulsefire Ezreal: Quick question: Are you from the 'robot rights' or 'enslave humanity' part of the timeline?.: Program Soraka and Nami were respectively built to be a gentle support bot and an aquatic search-and-rescue bot, though while their behavior is mostly the same, Program Lissandra has secretly gotten a hold of their code.: Lissandra was built to be an all-seeing security bot.: The fate of the PROJECT champions who haven't yet escaped. In their cinematic, Master Yi is rescued from some group trying to reprogram him.:. Originally, the Program skins were meant to be its own line, but were then confirmed to be merged in a single timeline and written as such in their lore blurbs. with the Battlecast line.

Champions in this line: (Pulsefire) Caitlyn, Ezreal, Riven, Shen, Thresh, Twisted Fate, (Praetorian) Fiddlesticks, Graves.: Praetorian Fiddlesticks is only a single unit in an endless horde, one who specializes in assimilating all technology across the multiverse,.:, Pulsefire Ezreal was a slightly older Ez who accidentally blundered into one of these and returned (with a futuristic suit of armor) to the present timeline to avert it. After the rework, the Pulsefire future does not seem to be particularly bad or good.: According to this timeline (which is almost certainly non-canon, ), all of the exist in the same plane of reality, and are merely separated through timelines.: The Pulsefire future is described to be 'dystopian,' though to what extent has yet to be seen. Champions in this line: (Vandal) Brand, Gragas, Jax, Twitch, Vladimir, (Road Warrior) Miss Fortune, (Badlands Baron) Rumble, (Junkyard) Trundle, (Hyena) Warwick, (Ruthless) Pantheon.: The aesthetic of the line fits all of the criteria, from the vandals overrunning the wasteland, to, to their.: The splashes depict nearly all the champions as this, with Miss Fortune, Twitch, Vladimir, and Warwick getting, while Rumble and several other background drivers get equally.: Leather is present on majority of the champions' outfits, especially on the vandals. Yes, even.:. Brand is a 'problem-solver', useful for a wasteland full of problems. His prices are a little high for a glorified thug, but one can't deny the value of. Miss Fortune is a lone rider who's gone through multiple jobs during her travels across the wasteland.

Her current targets: Vladimir's Vandal gang, and she's more than happy to take them on.: It's directly stated that the was nuclear in nature, leaving some effects in the fallout. Twitch supposedly turned from a rat to, and Vladimir gained. Pulsefire Ezreal:.: Junkyard Trundle is the self-proclaimed king of the wasteland's endless junk heaps, and has the shoddily-crafted but effective-looking getup to show for it.: Has light shades of it, mostly where Trundle is concerned. He rules a 'kingdom' from the irradiated junk heaps, with his army of sycophantic thugs ready to ruthlessly beat down anyone who trespasses into his territory.: The entire skin line is a huge reference to fiction, especially.

Badlands Baron Rumble in specific is a huge evocation of, the reworked Ruthless Pantheon gives him vibes and Hyena Warwick gains a few direct line drops. Champions in this line: (All-Star) Akali, (Sweeper) Alistar, Rammus, (Goalkeeper) Blitzcrank, Maokai, (Striker) Ezreal, (Superfan) Gragas, (Red Card) Katarina, Twisted Fate, (Playmaker) Lee Sin, (Striker) Lucian.: Sweeper Rammus is styled after a (spiked!) soccer ball, which suits his quite nicely. The trope name also makes up the entirety of the skin's lore blurb.: The champions are implied to still have their powers while on the playing field, so it's safe to say this happens. Amusingly with Striker Ezreal, as he's gotten in trouble with the oversight committee due to several teleportation-related fouls.

Champions in the main Star Guardian line: Ahri, Ezreal, Janna, Jinx, Lulu, Lux, Miss Fortune, Neeko, Poppy, Rakan, Soraka, Syndra, Xayah, ZoeChampions in the Pajama Guardian line: Ezreal, Lulu, Lux, Miss Fortune, Soraka, (Pajama Guardian Cosplay) Urgot.: Jinx's villainous traits are greatly softened down in this line, making her less of an insane and more of slacking. Syndra is a borderline case, as while, she's still cooperating with her teammates, at least for now.:. Zoe in regular canon is an and, but is very rarely malicious in her cosmic activities, making it a stretch to call her 'evil'. Conversely, Star Guardian Zoe, and is outright seeking to destroy newer generations of the First Star's chosen. Xayah and Rakan are similarly morally ambiguous in canon, but here are on the side of overt villainy.: Ahri, who's on par with in terms of ridiculously condescending sass.

However, (which may or may not be helped by her ), and it's implied part of this attitude is a defense mechanism in having experienced losing past teammates in the line of duty and not wanting others to fall to the same fate.: Despite apparently not being Yordles per se (see ), Poppy and Lulu still have long pointy ears, as do Soraka and Janna, with the former three's ears also being covered with fur the same colour as their hair. Soraka still has digitigrade legs and a horn, ◊, Ahri still has her nine tails, and Neeko has her giant lizard tail (even Xayah straight-up calls her a lizard).: Moreso than other Star Guardians, Zoe takes a bit of additional aesthetic influence from her familiar, an octopus-looking creature named Ran. A few of her abilities are made to resemble and sound like, and her homeguard 'running' animation has her swim around through the air like a cephalopod.: Pajama Guardian Cosplay Urgot is shown to be a huge fan of the Star Guardians (especially Ezrael and Syndra), having a shrine to them in his house. His recall animation shows his plush toy transform into a real Star Guardian, which he hugs.: April Fools 2020 heralded the rise of Pajama Guardian Cosplay Urgot; not quite the meme, but close enough.:, Xayah and Rakan are together as Star Guardians, before. I hate the forces of good.Rakan: I know what'll cheer you up!Both: Murdering the Star Guardians!.: Jinx and Poppy's first scene in 'Starfall' has them scarfing down pancakes, seemingly to see who could eat the most. Jinx in general seems to be.: The no-nonsense Poppy views the universe as such, where either you're out to smash the dangers of the universe, or you're the danger getting smashed.: Not quite as continent-jumping as in canon, but Ezreal here is still pretty adventurous and likes to show off with his despite it constantly bringing back weird anomalies in the process.: Jinx, the only Star Guardian whose favorite subject is listed as 'none.'

In 'Starfall', she also immediately loses interest in a flyer for camp she was given because it 'has more than ten words and only one picture.' .: Xayah and Rakan both were killed and corrupted by Zoe and infected by darkness. While Xayah is Rakan is well aware of their corruption and is more motivated to protect and save Xayah than by any hatred towards the current Star Guardians.: Part of Xayah and Rakan's turn to evil was them coming to the conclusion that the duty assigned by the First Star of protecting the universe from as a scam. Xayah: Enforcing order on a chaotic universe was never going to work.

The First Star lied.: Xayah and Rakan were both brought back from the dead by Zoe, which corrupted them into being evil.: despite being a Star Guardian herself, as she much prefers using her powers for spreading not love, but chaos.: Lux and Jinx. While they currently have a lot of friction between them as Star Guardians,.: They are all courageous young people chosen to accept the power of a former Star Guardian.: Similar to her canon depiction, Lulu is really odd, and her quirkiness is often commented on. Despite being the youngest of the Star Guardians, she's uniquely able to directly communicate with the Starlight and does so like it's a close friend, but the cryptic nature of this makes her appear very eccentric and confusing among her friends.: Poppy, who doesn't take kindly to Lulu's foolishness or Jinx's rebellious nature.: Star Guardians are destined to 'burn'. Rakan and Xayah are already infected by this corruption, and Neeko was shown beginning to fall to it in the Light and Shadow video before being saved by Ahri.: Most of them.:. More of a mood change than an aesthetic one, but the introduction of Ahri's team also introduced some -esque, with the revelation that Star Guardians are destined to 'burn,' though.

In contrast to Lux's much brighter and idealistic team, Ahri and Miss Fortune are veterans who have been hardened from losing previous teammates and aren't too thrilled by the concept of working together with another team, and. The outright aesthetic shift came with Zoe, Xayah, and Rakan, revealing the existence of, shrouded in a twisted mix of the typical bright sparkles and cosmic darkness.: Well, but Star Guardian Zoe still resembles and acts like a preteen girl, and is the chaotic of the line.

invoked: Lampshaded by Rakan in his skin trailer. Rakan: Evil never looked so good!.: Rakan, of course, is a total ham. But this is turned up to eleven in his alternate skin lines, where he fully embraces calling others nerds and losers.: Unique to the skinline, Syndra gets a stylish eyepatch, one that denotes less cuteness and more of her serious veteran status.: Zoe became an evil Star Guardian right off the bat, whereas Xayah and Rakan had to be to do the same.: Rather than being a proper Star Guardian, Pajama Guardian Urgot is instead depicted as a superfan of the group, basing his costume off of Ezreal's.:. For Lux's group.

: Ahri: Miss Fortune: Ezreal: Syndra: Soraka: Neeko.: ◊ features a few funny background details:. On the bookshelf behind Soraka is a copy of, that Bilgewater-themed romance novel. She's a little blurry, but for whatever reason, Jinx can be barely seen standing outside the window behind Lux. Maybe she showed up really late for the party?.: Jinx, Lux, and Poppy.: All over the place, from the music videos, recorded with both English and Japanese versions, to the names of the Star Guardians' familiars.: The Pajama Guardian skins depict when a few of the guardians are off duty, cutting loose and simply having some fun., however,.: The apparent destiny of all Star Guardians is to go out in a blaze of glory. Janna, who has served a long time, is stoically ' whereas Ahri, who saw three of her team die, is in full mode.: Miss Fortune only goes by 'Sarah' amongst her friends.

If you aren't one of them, it's 'Miss Fortune' to you. By The Slumber Party Summoning, though, and.: While Zoe does get a somewhat creepier evil makeover as a Star Guardian, personality-wise, she's still and Zoe we've come to recognize. Rakan, even with his new voiceover as a corrupted Star Guardian, doesn't lose any of. Rakan: What was the plan again? 'Destroy hope, bring the second coming of darkness,.' I'm almost out.: When starting the game as one of the Star Guardians, a minimalist version of their team's respective theme song will play. For Lux's team, it's 'Burning Bright', and for Ahri's team, it's 'A New Horizon'.

Xayah: ( chirps) 'Just like old times'? Don't tell me you're enjoying this.: Syndra, a veteran Star Guardian with a, serving as an advisor to Ahri's team. While she's able to steer them away from unforeseen danger, she's drawing a lot of suspicion from the team for her questionable motives and personal goals. Champions in this line: (Bullet Angel) Kai'Sa, (Aether Wing) Kayle, (Gun Goddess) Miss Fortune, (Blade Mistress) Morgana, (Dreadnova) Darius, Gangplank.: Miss Fortune, the Bounty Hunter, seeking revenge among the galaxy of thieves after she was shot and left for dead.

Ironically enough, she's also the target of an increasingly large bounty, with 37 assassins, 14 exo-suit pilots, the entire galactic military, and a searching for her.: Gun Goddess Miss Fortune's exo-suit features a named EXO that responds to her commands, resulting in some playful back-and-forth dialogue. Vi: Guys, I could really use some help with this monster.wait, who is yelling?Shyvana: Listen, we’re working on it — silence, space fish! We have to stop this abomination from destroying the city.Fizz:Kindred: We also want to yell. AAAAAAAAAAAAA!.: Robotic technology features prominently in a few skins: Super Galaxy Rumble gains a shiny and tricked-out, Gnar, Elise, Nidalee, and Shyvana get robotic makeovers during their transformations, and some companions (Fizz's shark, Tibbers, and Wolf) get the same treatment.: Fizz is able to summon a gigalodon from out of nowhere, something no other pilot or space fish can do. Champions in this line: (True Damage) Akali, Ekko, Qiyana, Senna, Yasuo.: Much like Pentakill and K/DA, True Damage gets its name from an in-game element.: Yasuo plugs his tachi into the sound console and uses it as yet another switch.: They are all talented rappers, singers, and producers at the very top of their game. invoked: Senna was previously stuck in a really bad record deal that took away much of her creative independence and seemingly ended her time in the spotlight before she returned as the lead of True Damage.

Her splash art shows her burning up her previous contract, which was with '.: Qiyana, as shown by her Prestige skin being designed by none other than Louis Vuitton.: Averted. Senna and Akali rose to prominence on their own talents, and Qiyana joined the group to win her fame the hard way instead of coasting on her family's reputation.: The Prestige versions of True Damage Qiyana and Senna were made in collaboration with luxury fashion brand Louis Vuitton, with the two wearing actual clothes and accessories present in their lineup.: Well, producer. Yasuo is one of the most sought-after collaborators in music, but he won't work with just anybody.: Qiyana is the daughter of 'Latin music royalty' but wants to be a franchise instead of just another a rising star in the music world.: Prestige Qiyana has a jacket with a semi-sheer lace underlay covering her upper body — and there's clearly nothing under it.: Yasuo has no lines, spoken or sung, in 'Giants' and wears a shirt with a cowl that covers his mouth. From nothing, there will always come two.Since the dawn of time, the forces of chaos and order have been fighting for dominance, never having a resolution. But now, with their greatest fighters entering the battlefield, this is finally bound to change.Order vs.

Chaos (2017) and Battle of the God-Kings (2018) served as the basis for the VS. Completing missions during the event for either Order or Chaos would grant rewards while also boosting the power of their side, with players on the winning side gaining another bonus. Chaos won both events.

2019 featured 'Night & Dawn,' a less directly competitive story featuring Soraka, who was 'born' from Chaos' defeat of Order and calls Riven and Yasuo her parents. Riven/Yasuo:.: Regardless of whether Dawnbringer Riven is 'good' and Nightbringer Yasuo is 'evil,' they're both frighteningly single-minded about their cause. It's clear that unfettered Chaos or Order would be bad for the rest of the world. It's explicitly pointed out that both God-Kings' view of the perfect world would have serious downsides. God-King Garen's world is peaceful and prosperous, but mostly in the sense where, while God-King Darius offers freedom from all oppressors. In a world of that resembles at its most grimdark.: Both Order and Chaos may be dangerous, but they also each have something legitimate to offer.: Of a sort.

It's unclear what happened in the interim, but while Riven and Yasuo are, Garen and Darius, their far-flung descendants, have become mortal to a degree.: Nightbringer Yasuo, not only in appearance (even when compared to Blood Moon Yasuo, which is quite demonic on its own), but also in his voicelines. And in the same vein, God King Darius.: Nightbringer Yasuo, when he jokes, makes a reference to this. Yasuo: Come to the dark side. We have sugared confections.:. Nightbringer Yasuo, though calling him 'evil' is a little sketchy.

Notably, getting his Steel Tempest's stacks makes him even more demonic, until he either loses or consumes the stacks. Interestingly enough, this also applies to Dawnbringer Riven (who, likewise, isn't truly evil or good)— her changes her appearance, making her less human-looking.: Dawnbringer Riven and Nightbringer Yasuo, respectively. Averted with the God-Kings, who are both male.: While they certainly have the aesthetics of good vs. Evil, it's actually,. Out of universe, this was done so players don't feel pressured into supporting the 'good' or 'evil' side.: Dawnbringer Riven and God-King Garen, existing right in between and.:, the God Kings are the last descendants of the original Nightbringer Yasuo and Dawnbringer Riven, but have twisted their ancestors' motives to fit their own personal, mortal needs. /: Dawnbringer Riven, BIG time. While she was always pretty in in her base skin, this skin pulls out all stops.

She's, there's quite an empashis on her, and with her stance, there's quite the on her shirt below her armor, and both her shirt and armor don't.: Both God Kings, despite being well, all their non-taunt emotes are just them screwing around with their pets.: A recurring trend with the opposing duos is playing off their. Champions in the Marauder line: Alistar, Ashe, Olaf, Warwick.: While there's little proof to back his claims, Jax is stated to be one of the very original Wardens before the fall of the Protectorate.: Warden Nautilus is this, having his soul bound to the armor to serve as a shock trooper. Few instances of this remain aside from him,.: The Marauders not only look the part, but they —along with their ancestral Magelords— were far more willing to experiment in the dark arts, resulting in bestial troops that otherwise defy all logic including and.: While the Wardens heavily evoke a typical archetype, they were implied to be this,.: The Wardens and the Protectorate represent order and peace, while the Marauders and the Magelord Empire represent chaos and war. By the time they went to war, their rule was of a 50/50 split.: The Wardens and Marauders are descendants or direct remnants of the otherwise long-disbanded Protectorate and the Magelord Empire, both of which vanished into antiquity following the Rune War.: During its peak, the Magelord Empire had a harsh meritocratic approach to leadership similar to Noxus, split into warrior castes whose rises and falls were dictated by victory in battle. In the present day, remnants including Ashe and Olaf have instead simply chosen to rule through fear and the drive for.: Both the Protectorate and Magelord Empire are now a shell of their former selves following the Rune War. Conflict still exists between individual remnants of each, but the time of endless armies and militaristic warfare is over.

Champions in this line: (Worldbreaker) Hecarim, Nasus, Nautilus, Trundle, (Sun Goddess) Karma.: Each of the four worldbreakers does this in a different way. League of Legends is one of the most successful e-sports around the world, and every year, Riot hosts two of the largest League tournaments for millions to watch to see who wins: the Mid-Season Invitational, and the League of Legends World Championship.

The winning team of the World Championship is treated to a skin line commemorating their victory, with players being represented by their most preferred or definitive champions during their climb to the top.In addition, Riot releases Championship and Challenger/Conqueror skins during the World Championship and MSI, respectively. At the end of every season near the World Championship, players who reached Gold or higher in ranked are awarded to exclusive Victorious skins as well.

Champions in the Championship line: Riven, Thresh, Shyvana, Kalista, Zed, Ashe, RyzeChampions in the Conqueror line: (Challenger) Ahri, Nidalee, (Conqueror) Karma, VarusChampions in the Victorious line: Jarvan IV, Janna, Elise, Morgana, Sivir, Maokai, Graves, AatroxFnatic: Jarvan IV, Corki, Janna, Gragas, KarthusTaipei Assassins: (TPA) Nunu and Willump, Dr. Mundo, Shen, Ezreal, OriannaSKT T1: (First Wave) Jax, Lee Sin, Vayne, Zed, Zyra, (Second Wave) Alistar, Azir, Elise, Kalista, Renekton, Ryze, (Third Wave) Ekko, Jhin, Nami, Olaf, Syndra, ZacSamsung White: (SSW) Rengar, Singed, Talon, Thresh, TwitchSamsung Galaxy: (SSG) Ezreal, Gnar, Jarvan IV, Rakan, Taliyah, XayahInvictus Gaming: (IG) Camille, Fiora, Irelia, Kai'Sa, LeBlanc, Rakan.: SKT T1 has become famous for being one of the best League of Legends teams in the world, having won three World Championships since its formation.

For specific players, as the in-game descriptions point out, Bang (Kalista and Jhin) has won two of them, Bengi (Lee Sin, Elise, and Olaf) and Faker (Zed, Ryze, and Syndra) have won all three.: Players are often very eager to have skins made in their honor. Even so, many of them don't pick their own skins, with a myriad of reasons.: Starting from World's 2016, the skins were shifted to look more like war gods colored like their respective team rather than champions wearing team merch.:. Xayah and Rakan both got Samsung Galaxy skins, and as a bonus, as part of their recall passive, the two will pose together holding the World Cup.


Sadly, only Rakan received an Invictus Gaming skin the following year as Jackylove — the team's botlaner —.: SSG Gnar's recalls have him chowing down on food before returning to base. Mini Gnar passes out from finishing all the banana bunches, but Mega Gnar plows right through his ramen (served in the World Cup, no less!), and almost looks disappointed that there isn't any more.: The Victorious skins are all pretty blinged-out, with white, gold, and blue all over.

In addition, the 2016 SKT line in particular features lots of metallic lines and gold accents.: SKT T1 Nami in her recall animation, lounging on a rice platter like nigiri to take selfies before being taken back to base with giant chopsticks.: SKT T1 Olaf's recall has him do this as part of a particularly violent.: Some of the older skins. TPA Mundo throws the worlds Trophy instead of a cleaver, TPA Ezreal shoots his magic from an oversized foam finger, and TPA Shen uses inflatable noisemakers instead of swords.: Starting from 2014, Riot has added references to famous moments surrounding the winning players in their respective skins. As well from 2015 onwards,. SSW Twitch (representing Imp) has a recall where he rolls on the ground, referencing an, where he. SSW Thresh (representing Mata) has a recall where he yanks out and holds up the World Cup trophy itself, representing Mata's title as MVP of Worlds 2014. SKT T1 Ryze (representing Faker) is initially based on his acted-out suggestion, but Riot decided to go the extra mile and had Ryze perform.: Since 2015, a sixth champion is added to represent the backup player; an understudy to fill in for a player who, for whatever reason, can't play.

Azir represented Easyhoon, the backup midlaner for Faker in 2015, and Zac represented Blank, SKT's substitute jungler in 2016.: An adorable mid-air variant caps off SKT T1 Kalista's recall animation. Had him more resemble doing, but for whatever reason, this would be changed to the.