I Fishing 3 Life

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As change comes to a quiet corner of Cornwall, can brother and sister Jason and Nicky adapt to survive? In the creeks and rivers of the Fal estuary on Cornwall’s south coast, an ancient way of life clings on.Under power of sail, wooden boats are fishing for oysters - the last stocks of native flat oysters to be fished in this way, anywhere in the world. Veteran oysterman Jason has been fishing like this for 20 years. Now he has been joined for the first time by his sister Nicky, the first woman to ever complete a whole season.In the fishery’s heyday, there were a hundred boats working the Fal. But volatile markets and inconsistent oyster stocks have taken their toll. Jason and Nicky’s is one of only 15 boats remaining. Now, with the two of them to support, income from oysters alone is no longer enough.

Jason’s bought a new boat, a small trawler called the Fair Morn. For five years, every spare hour and spare penny has gone into her.

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Now she is finally ready to go to sea.The Fal estuary is a network of over 30 tidal creeks and rivers, forming the third largest natural harbour in the world. With moorings sheltered from the prevailing winds, 5,000 boats are moored here. But the Fal is changing. Pleasure boats have taken over, they now outnumber fishing vessels 150 to 1.It has become a challenging place to be a fisherman. Printable mazes for adults. To make a decent living here, you need to mix it up a bit. And that is exactly what the Henry brothers, Cameron, Ivor and Magnus, do - fishing for prawns one day, ballan wrasse the next, as well as green and velvet crabs. In all, they fish over 20 different species.It doesn’t look like it, but change has arrived in this quiet corner of Cornwall.

When Jason was growing up, almost every house in his small village of Coombe was occupied by a fisherman. Most of the oystermen’s cottages have been converted into second homes or holiday lets.Jason moved back in with his parents to save money for the renovations and be close to his boat.

Now that it is complete, he is looking to rent a place of his own. But it is easier to find a pearl in an oyster than affordable housing round here - especially one within easy reach of your mooring.Further downriver is St Mawes, home to some of the most expensive coastal property to be found anywhere in the country. Pete Green’s family goes back 300 years here - long before the first Range Rover arrived. Pete sells some of his catch to the wealthy second home owners – they love a good turbot - but the village is nothing like it used to be, especially once the summer fades.

Pete’s trawler stands out on the mooring. Almost every other boat is a yacht.Peter is a veteran of the Fal trawling fleet, the same one Jason and Nicky are about to join.

For him, years of experience and knowledge of these waters is essential if you are to be successful. Trawling is a dangerous game. Bad weather, often working alone, and operating big machinery on a moving deck. As Peter says, with trawling ‘you could be killed at any moment’. He should know. A few years ago, Peter was left for dead after falling overboard while fishing alone, and being dragged through the channel in his net.

Somehow, he managed to drag himself back aboard, but it affects him to this day.Nicky is nervous. She has never sailed out of the calm waters of the estuary before.

The trawl grounds they will be fishing lie in the open seas of Falmouth Bay.When the Fair Morn gets off the mooring for the first time, it is not for long. The engine fails and they have to go back in for a costly repair. There are further setbacks ahead, as repeated equipment failures mean more time back onshore. Can Nicky and Jason turn things around and realise Jason’s lifelong dream, and earn them both a decent living?