Mercenary Kings Gameplay

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Mercenary Kings Gameplay 4,5/5 4811 reviews

Mercenary kings gameplay with Splat! Let's play mercenary kings reloaded and check out the final definitive.

There are plenty of big shooters coming to the PlayStation 4, from Destiny to Killzone: Shadow Fall. These games emphasize massive, open worlds, social connectivity, and incredibly detailed high-definition graphics., an upcoming PS4 and Steam title from Tribute Games, goes a different route. It's a title that feels like the Metal Slug game that time forgot — a 2D shooter for a next-gen console.Mercenary Kings is a run-and-gun shooter in the vein of Contra and Metal Slug. You play as a soldier of some sort, and you take on missions that mainly involving killing lots of dudes with really big guns. The gameplay is reminiscent of the classics, with simple platforming and an emphasis on action. But it also feels relatively open, letting you explore levels instead of simply moving from left to right. In the demo I played, the controls felt tight and the weapons satisfyingly powerful.While it may sound like yet another retro-style indie game, Mercenary Kings has several tweaks that give it a modern feel.

Chief among them is the insane amount of weapon upgrades at your disposal — much like in the Borderlands series, you can customize your guns by swapping parts, giving you plenty of freedom to build a firearm that works just right for you. You'll gather these bits and pieces with a Diablo-esque loot system that should provide added incentive for shooting bad guys in the face. According to the developers, there are more than 300 parts to collect and use. And though I played in single player, there will also be co-op play for up to four people, which should make a crazy game even crazier.The over-the-top weapons and action are complimented by the big, exaggerated pixel art, which comes courtesy of artist and animator, best known for his work on the Scott Pilgrim beat 'em up for PS3. Characters are cartoonish and exaggerated, and the bad guys explode in surprisingly playful splashes of blood and gore. The bosses are gigantic and the explosions even bigger. The classic gameplay and retro visuals may make Mercenary Kings seem like a dated throwback, but the customization elements and terrific art style help make the game feel modern.


It's also the most fun I had playing a PS4 shooter at E3 — and it's coming to both Sony's console and Windows later this year.

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I'm just fucking frustrated with it.And I don't mean angry at the game or yourself because it's Nintendo Hard. I mean frustrated because the game is bullshit hard.I feel like this game is designed to be cheap as fucking possible. I'm only on the first few missions of the game, but I'm just not having fun at all. I really want to enjoy this game, but forcing myself through it is painful.It feels like it's designed to not be fun and instead waste your time. I spend an hour on the Snipers Spotted mission because I couldn't find the 8th guy, and the game just kept putting cheap enemy positioning in my way. The mining drills that just trap you against a wall and waste 25% of your health, and in narrow corridors too. Pike/spear guys hitting me through the floor, while I can't shoot back.

Heading down a ladder very slowly and carefully, only to have a spear guy instantly knock me down and cause me to fall into more enemies at the bottom. Enemies waiting at the bottom of ladders and not moving at all. Enemies shooting at me from off-screen.

Flying drones going through walls and chasing you down even though you can't shoot diagonally.And it's not just the enemies that annoy me, it's the game's design in general. You get so much money to spend from missions, but you can't buy anything because it requires so many different materials, and while I'd like to explore to collect these materials, but all the missions have time limits.

Not to mention, you can never find out where to find this shit in the first place, whether it be a random object or actual mission objectives. Everything is a fetch quest or Point A to Point B quest.Maybe I'm being too harsh early on, but I get the feeling the rest of the game is gonna be like this. I'm just not looking forward to it and I'm not having fun. After having it glitch up and crash 3 times just tonight, I'm thinking that I should just uninstall it. I watched the Giant Bomb quicklook, and they focused on this monster hunter aspect too. I'm a big monster hunter fan but the way the bosses ran away seemed much more annoying than MH.In MH you have lots of different options to prevent them from running, and it takes a fair bit of damage to make the monster change zone. Once you have done a fight more than a couple times you know more or less what zone the monster will go to without having to tag or anything, and there are very few obstacles in your way to get to the new zone.

Also in monster hunter this makes sense. You are HUNTING, and the monster acts similar to how an animal would. Does this mechanic make sense in Mercenary Kings?From the video it just seemed like the bosses suddenly disappear after less than a minute and show up in a few random locations instantly. Then the player is forced to go through many smaller enemies to get to the new zone. Was Brad just missing something or is it really like this? I almost feel like it's a disservice to monster hunter for people to keep comparing them if this game handles it so poorly in comparison.In terms of gearing the progression in MH isn't very grindy (PRE G RANK), there are only a few times in the game you will be forced to grind to progress at all, in G-rank you're already 100-200 hours in so it's kind of expected.

I'm not sure how much time you've spent trying to get used to the MH controls, but if you haven't put in a good amount of time yet I would recommend it. I was uncomfortable with the controls at first too, but now I honestly think MH combat is my favorite. It's like Dark Souls but on a larger scale and with combos.If the camera controls (ie 'the claw') were what was bothering you, MHFU on vita or MH3U on 3DS with circle pad pro are a lot easier to pick up and result in fewer hand cramps.Anyway, sorry for the unsolicited MH rant. I would definitely buy it. It's not that hard, but you should still check out some guides first. There isn't much of a tutorial and some important things are easy to miss. I would probably start with the lance but feel free to experiment a bit with different weapons.

Also, don't get discouraged if you're missing a lot of attacks at first. In the first couple missions you have to kill some small things that can be hard to hit, but that isn't representative of the rest of the game. Good luck and feel free to PM me if you have questions!.