Strung Along Sentence Examples

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The turing test chapter 7 sector 63. Get back to your character and jump onto the nearby platform. Now go back to the camera located in front of you and use it to get to the third camera. Use the third device to activate the second green box. You will now be able to continue to the next sector.

What is a strung-along sentence? I'm writing a descriptive paper for english and i have no idea what a strung-along sentence is. Please help!! I'm with Stupid. 1 decade ago. Favorite Answer. The Strung-Along Sentence is a basic statement with a string of details added to it. Define strung along. Strung along synonyms, strung along pronunciation, strung along translation, English dictionary definition of strung along. Material made of drawn-out, twisted fiber, used for fastening, tying, or lacing. A strand or cord of such material. A cord stretched.

In 1907, under a direct primary law, the nomination of candidates for United States senator was transferred from the party convention directly to the people; and in 1909 the ' Oregon plan ' was adopted, whereby each candidate for the legislature must go on record as promising, or not, always to vote for the people's choice for United States senator; on the ballot which bears the name of each candidate for the legislature there appears a statement that he ' promises,' or that he ' will not promise,' to vote for the ' people's choice.' He reversed the unfortunate ecclesiastical policy of his father, allowing a wide liberty of dissent, and releasing the imprisoned archbishop of Cologne; he modified the strictness of the press censorship; above all he undertook, in the presence of the deputations of the provincial diets assembled to greet him on his accession, to carry out the long-deferred project of creating a central constitution, which he admitted to be required alike by the royal promises, the needs of the country and the temper of the times.

phrasal verb

  • Mislead someone deliberately over a length of time, especially about one's intentions.

    ‘she had no plans to marry him—she was just stringing him along’
    • ‘And secondly, they've strung us along too long without providing enough interesting plot points to hold anyone's interest.’
    • ‘You were a false friend; you strung us along, and we never realised.’
    • ‘She wants to know why he strung her along and then dumped her.’
    • ‘‘They have been stringing us along,’ said Dr Birket.’
    • ‘It is a decision that has angered the local community which feels the company was just stringing them along with false promises.’
    • ‘Despite the Council being strung along with promises ever since, nothing has materialised.’
    • ‘I was very much in control, which was why I was able to end it rather than be strung along.’
    • ‘We have been strung along for nearly seven years with promises of additional rail halts.’
    • ‘Hitting back, however, a BAA spokeswoman argued: ‘BAA is not stringing along anyone.’’
    • ‘She strings along all the men, and she's playing them all, seducing them all left, right and centre, but actually her heart is still with Athos.’
    mislead, deceive, take in, take advantage of, dupe, hoax, fool, make a fool of, bluff
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