War Robots Videos

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War Robots is an online third-person 6v6 PvP shooter—we're talking dozens of combat robots, hundreds of weapons combinations,.

✅ SUBSCRIBE for more War Robots official videos.What's WAR ROBOTS? 🙌Multiplayer 6v6 online shooter with giant war robots 🔥Become a pilot of one of those now!👉 Android, iOS and Gameroom:Imagine that nuclear power is safe now.

Humanity can now treat radiation contamination easily and nuclear reactors are being installed even in ordinary cars. Fear of radiation and program of nuclear deterrence are in the past. But the world is being thrown into a devastating war for power. Leading countries devour smaller ones, joining up in alliances and dividing the world into zones of influence. World turns into a huge battlefield for the new generation of high-end military weapons — War Robots. Scorched planes and burnt down cities become the perfect background for the madness these times unfolded.

You are a yesterday's graduate from a robot pilots academy. You've got a new robot and only one order: Destroy the enemy! Now it's all up to you!Download War Robots if you are not playing it yet!🔥 Android, iOS and Gameroom:👁 Official website:👁 Official Facebook.

They pushed us into these shotguns. They were the best weapons available by far, whether it was gust/storm for f2p or Halo/Corona for whales. Now they neuter them, completely and totally.

My guess is that the new freeze missile weapons didn't sell as well as they were hoping, so they just take out the weapons that everyone has already paid for to try and boost sales.I've played this game since it was called Walking War Robots, but I won't stick around if they go through with this. You're going to think it's ok but it won't be. I won't be alone. You'll lose thousands of paying players like me.You can only dangle the carrot so many times.

Pixonic, look, we, the community, said that this shotgun nerf was a no-no. The avenger nerf is a no-no. These weapons are commonly used and bought and upgraded by your loyal player base, and you’ve attempted to nerf them. And now, after seeing the nerfs, we gave you our feedback on the forums, the sub, the comments, everywhere.And you kicked dirt in our face and nerfed them harder. This must be blatant mockery.I’m disappointed, really. This tactic of making people spend hundreds on an item and then devaluing it in favor of the next item needs to stop, and especially taking the community’s favorite weapons, the gust, storm, and avenger, and kicking them into the ground for a couple extra bucks.My words have no meaning here. I won’t yell and cry, I’ll move on, but I know you guys are around, and I think I can speak for the mass of the community in saying this.If you’re reading this - devs, whatever, just know you guys are doing something wrong, and sooner or later I fear people will up and have enough of it.I love this game, this community, my clan, friends, people I’ve met here - the bot designs, the contests, all of it.

But honestly? I’m scared that all of these scandalous acts will soon lead to this games downfall.To the community who oppose this: vote with your wallet, vote with your actions. If this nerf goes through, I, shall never buy a penny’s worth of anything from this game.

I’ve been a dolphin in a big clan for a while and had my fun, but it’s obvious that any money I spend is just going into a pit and any items I get are bound to be rendered useless.I hope my feelings are shared, and I hope that pixonic does the right thing.Alas, hopes are only hopes. I'm with you, my friend.

The freeze rockets are the next big thing.Also, have you seen how strong an Ao Ming with the dragoon weapons are? Titans are so pay to win that it's way too overboard. You have to spend 700 platinum each just to buy an ao Ming and the two dragoon weapons, which totals around $150 USD, and then level them at a starting price of 20 platinum per level. You used to be at least able to grind silver to upgrade weapons.We have seen pix go through so many different types of currency that its vomit inducing.

Each time they go through it, it's some BS excuse like we wanted to make the game simpler. 3 months later - 'You know what is needed? Let's introduce some new currency. I bet the players forgot about everything already.' I'm sure they already have another currency lined up to add.Everything with these guys is a rehash of a rehash. Nothing has changed and improved with gameplay.

It's all a circle of nerfs/buffs, reintroduce the same weapon but with an added ability, and reintroduce the same weapon with a slightly different but same ability. Atv offroad fury 2 online. Enough is enough. I've totally quit spending on this game and more and more of my clanmates from a strong S ranked clan are stopping too.

Not only that, they are creating a problem with titans being to op, we already see ao mings taking out leeches and fenrir throug resistance from 500-600m, now, without shotguns ( and probably even avengers if they nerf them) we end up fighting with igniters, cryos, and glacier, right now we dont really see the problem because we have powerful shotguns to deal with titans more easily, but as people upgrade their titans in a few months we will have a titan nerf and the cycle repeats. I hear you on this one. I guess this is aimed at those leech builds with shotguns that drop any lvl9 bot with three shots. (Happens to me all the time) so I decided to build one. And now my effort will go into a watered down result.

Oh well whatever. I only give them minimal money anyways for their earlier actions. Hear that Pixo?

Don’t try to feed me $2 for 600au. Not gonna do it.

$1 for 600au once in a month is all I’m giving you. Unless you stop the dang shenanigans.Well to be fair. Looking at these stats, it’s not that drastic a change.