Himno De Victoria

четверг 26 мартаadmin
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30 As for God, his way is perfect:The Lord’s word is flawless;he shields all who take refuge in him.31 For who is God besides the Lord?And who is the Rock except our God?32 It is God who arms me with strengthand keeps my way secure.33 He makes my feet like the feet of a deer;he causes me to stand on the heights.34 He trains my hands for battle;my arms can bend a bow of bronze.35 You make your saving help my shield,and your right hand sustains me;your help has made me great.36 You provide a broad path for my feet,so that my ankles do not give way.

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Himno de Victoria Song Lyrics

El es el hombre que tuvo poder en andar sobre el mar
¿Quién es el que puede hacer el mar callar?
Y en el momento que la tempestad te quiera hundir
Él viene con toda autoridad y manda a calmar.
Él es el hombre que tuvo poder de hacer a Israel
Caminar por entre las aguas del mar Rojo.
Hizo un camino en medio del mar para el pueblo de Israel pasar
Y al otro lado con sus pies secos pudieron cantar el himno de Victoria.
Cuando estes frente al mar y lo tengas que atravesar
Llama a este hombre con Fé, solo Él abre el mar.
Hermano no tengas temor si detrás viene Faraón
Al otro lado tu pasarás y allí tu vas a entonar el himno de victoria.
Cada vez que el mar Rojo tu tengas que pasar
Llama siempre a ese hombre que te va a ayudar
En la hora más difícil es cuando Él te vé
Llama siempre a ese hombre que tiene el poder.
Si tu pasas por el fuego no te vas a quemar
Y si pasas por las aguas no te ahogarás
Pasa como Israel que el mar atravesó
¡ Y en el nombre del Señor
el himno de Victoria del otro lado Cantó!
Del otro lado Cantó!

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The bridge over the river kwai. Kanchanaburi, in Myanmar border, is home to the famous Bridge River Kwai.During WW II, Japan constructed the meter-gauge railway line from Ban Pong, Thailand to Thanbyuzayat, Burma. The line passing through the scenic Three Pagodas Pass runs for 250 miles. He infiltrated Indochina as a guerilla where he was captured in 1943. He escaped in 1944, was picked up by a British plane, and served in the Special Forces in Calcutta for the rest of the war.His first novel to be published in the United States was The Bridge on the River Kwai. The book was awarded the Prix Sainte-Beuve prize in France, which. The Bridge on the River Kwai opens in a Japanese prisoner-of-war camp in Burma in 1943, where a battle of wills rages between camp commander Colonel Saito (Sessue Hayakawa) and newly arrived. The Bridge on the River Kwai is a 1957 epic war film directed by David Lean and based on the 1952 novel written by Pierre Boulle.The film uses the historical setting of the construction of the Burma Railway in 1942–1943. The cast included William Holden, Jack Hawkins, Alec Guinness, and Sessue Hayakawa. It was initially scripted by screenwriter Carl Foreman, who was later replaced. In the film's final act, the tension is turned up as the British commandos try to blow up the bridge, and a train, and only then does Nicholson realise what the bridge really is. The Bridge on the River Kwai is one film that is hard to top, the only film able to do that is Lawrence of Arabia, both directed by the meticulous eye of David Lean.