Roadkill Recipes

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Five roadkill recipes to try at home A new law in Montana allows anyone who finds dead deer, elk, moose or antelope to take the carcasses home for dinner. Here are five recipes to try with. For most, a squashed hedgehog or flattened badger lying on the side of the road is a tragic sight - for Arthur Boyt it is an opportunity for a free, tasty and nutritious meal.

. 2 adult skunks; skinn, debone & shred. 1/4 cup oil.

1/4 cup Butter. 2 cups celery; finely chopped. 1/4 cup parsley; finely chopped.

2 cloves garlic; finely minced. 1 bay leaf.

2 carrots; chopped. 2 tbsp. Flour.

1 cup beef broth. 1 cup dry red wine. 3 tbsp.

Cognac. 1 lb. Ripe red tomatoes; peeled, seeded & chopped. Salt; to taste. freshly ground black pepper; to taste.

juice of half-lemon. 1/4 tsp. Nutmeg. 1 cup Madeira wine(A sensory entree, not recommended for the weak-stomached). Save scent sacs and set aside.Preheat oven to 350 degrees.In large skillet, brown skunk well in oil and butter; add carrots and stir until lightly browned. Sprinkle with flour. Add broth as needed when mixture starts to brown.Stir to dissolve brown particles.

Add remaining broth, red wine, cognac, tomatoes, salt and pepper.Place in oven, cover and bake three hours.Strain gravy, pressing as much of cooked vegetable mixture as possible through sieve. Bring strained mixture to boil. Add lemon juice, nutmeg, Madeira.Carefully puncture scent sacs and add fluids to mixture. Simmer five minutes.Pour sauce over skunk.Yield: 8 Servings. 2 skunks; skinned & cleaned. 1 tbsp.

Salt. water; to cover. 2 cups bear fat or lard. 2 egg yolks; beaten. 3 cups Milk or cream.

1 1/2 cups flour. 1/2 tsp. Salt.

2 tbsp. Baking powderClean and wash the skunks, making sure that the scent glands are removed.Cut up into small serving pieces.

Place a soup kettle on the stove and add the meat. Cover with cold water and bring to a boil over high heat.Lower the heat and boil until the meat is tender, about 40 minutes.Remove all the scum that rises to the surface.Make a batter by mixing together the egg yolks, milk, flour, salt and baking powder. Mix well until the batter is the consistency cake batter. Heat the bear fat or lard in a deep fryer to about 360 degrees.Dip skunk pieces in batter then fry until golden brown.Drain well and serve.

. 4 squirrels. 16 oz italian dressing. 8 small potatoes; sliced.

4 carrots; sliced. 2 medium onions; sliced. 4 tbsp.

Barbeque sauce. 1/4 cup Salt. black pepper. 1 pinch celery seed. 1 pinch paprika. 1 pinch sage.

2 tbsp. Bacon bitsSoak squirrels overnight in refrigerator in large bowl of fresh water to which the salt has been added.Next day, rinse squirrels off and place on there backs in cake pan. Pour italian dressing over them and put back in refrigerator to marinate for 4 to 6 hours.In center of a sheet of aluminum foil large enough to wrap one squirrel, place layer of sliced onion and potatoe. Put one dressing doused squirrel on its back on veggies. Sprinkle with pepper, Paprika, celery seed, and sage (takes very little spice). Sprinkle bacon bits inside body cavity. Stuff cavity with carrots sliced long and thin.

Pour on BBQ sauce to taste. Put a layer of onions and thinly sliced potatoes on top.Wrap each squirrel thus dressed with two wraps of foil, Sealing well-do not puncture foil.

Place the four servings on a double-burner gas grill with lid closed. Set on low temperature, and grill for 45 minutes, turning every 10 to 15 minutes.Yield: 4 Servings. 2 small squirrels; cut up.

1 onion; finely chopped. 1/2 tsp. Leaf thyme. 4 oz mushrooms; sliced & drained.

1 cup beef bouillon. 1 cup sour cream. 2 tbsp. Lemon juice. 3 tbsp.

Flour. parsley; mincedMarinate squirrl overnight in refrigerator in salted water. Before cooking, remove squirrel pieces; drain and pat dry.Place squirrel, ham, onion, thyme and mushrooms in Crock-Pot.

Pour in bouillon, moistening well. Cover and cook on Low for 8 to 10 hours.Before serving, turn to High.

Combine sour cream, lemon juice and flour. Remove squirrel to a warm platter. Stir sour cream mixture into Crock-Pot.

Cook until thickened. Spoon sauce over squirrel and sprinkle with parsley.Yield: 6 Servings. 4 squirrels. 6 medium potatoes. 1 tbsp. Parsley flakesDough. 2 cups flour.

2/3 cup shortening. 3/4 tsp. Salt. 5 tbsp. Water. 1 eggCook squirrels in large pan, using enough water to cover. Salt to taste (about 1 tsp).

Cook 2 to 3 hours or until tender.Remove squirrels from pan, cut up, roll in flour, and fry in shortening over medium heat until browned.To the broth add 6 potatoes, sliced and diced.Mix together all ingredients for dough, using fork to cut flour through other ingredients. Work gently 1 minute with hands. Roll out dough on floured surface to about 1/8 inch thickness. Cut in 1 inch or bite size pieces and add to boiling water and potatoes.

Add parsley flakes and salt (if not enough salt is added, pot pie will taste bland).Cook 30 minutes on low heat. squirrel. pork (equalling amount of squirrel); chopped.

1/4 cup Shortening. 1/2 cup onions; chopped. 2 cups tomatoes; quartered.

2 cups lima beans. 1 cup hot water. cayenne; to taste.

3 cups corn. 2 spoons worcestershire sauce. bread crumbs; toastedSkin the squirrel, cut the head off and remove the internal organs.Cut into pieces and add to chopped pork of equal amounts and saute slowly until light brown in shortening.Remove from the pan. Use the squirrel and pork fat to brown onions.Place squirrel, pork and onions in a stewing pot and add tomatoes, lima beans, hot water & cayenne.Simmer till squirrel and pork is just about tender and add corn, worcestershire sauce and toasted bread crumbs.Simmer until completely tender. 4 1/2 cups chicken broth.

2 medium potatoes; cubed. 1/2 cup chopped onion. 1 1/2 cups broccoli florets. 1 cup cauliflower florets. 1/4 tsp.

Ground nutmeg. 1/2 cup fully cooked flat squirrel; chopped about 3 ouncesIn a large saucepan combine chicken broth, potatoes, and onion. Bring to boiling; reduce heat. Cover and let simmer for 10 minutes.Stir in broccoli, cauliflower, and nutmeg. Simmer about 5 minutes more or til vegetables are crisp-tender. Stir in flat squirrel and heat through.Yield: 4 servings.